Medieval Demographics Made Easy (by S. John Ross)

Questo post serve solamente per condividere il documento creato da S. John Ross che parla del carattere demografico delle città medievali da un punto di vista storico.

“Medieval Demographics Made Easy” – A handy guide to determining populations & demographics, based upon actual 11th-15th century data.

Potete scaricare il PDF direttamente da qui.

Medieval Demographics Made Easy is by and copyright ©1993,1999-2018 s. John Ross. all Rights Reserved. File v1.00
Grant of Permission: those who enjoy this PDF may distribute it freely via public network provided the following restrictions are observed (1) The file must be provided free of charge or obligation. (2) The file may not be altered. (3) The file must be offered individually, not bundled with other files. (4) The file may never be hosted on, or offered by, any form of shop or storefront. Any who find these restrictions confusing, objectionable or icky-poo are excluded from the Grant of Permission, but are nevertheless exhorted to be excellent to each other, and to party on.

This is a Hitchhiking PDF from Cumberland Games & diversions. That means it roams the Internet, thanks to the generosity of fans. You wouldn’t be reading this, if not for them, so please join me in feeling gratitude toward whomever provided it to you. They’re why this article remains free. If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy other Cumberland items, whether that means medieval works like Fief and Town, or stranger stuff like Uresia. Visit sometime!

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Some random guy.
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